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Facilitando o Voo das suas

Descubra como o TaskFly revoluciona a gestão de serviços com inteligência, automação e integração completa.

Resolva até 70% das questões dos clientes de forma automática, sem intervenção humana. Melhore a geração de leads, entregue um atendimento impecável e alavanque sua receita com nossa tecnologia de suporte ao cliente baseada em IA.


Taxa de resolução de Fly

Sem intervenção humana

O assistente de IA que impulsiona o suporte e o crescimento da sua empresa

O Fly é um agente de inteligência artificial versátil e avançado, projetado para gerenciar solicitações e demandas em diversos ramos de empresas. Integrado ao WhatsApp, o Fly utiliza tecnologias de ponta, como processamento de linguagem natural (NLP) e aprendizado de máquina, para interpretar e organizar informações com alta precisão e eficiência.


Solutions to Move
Your Business Forward

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Strategic Planning

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Financial Consulting

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Digital Marketing

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Brand Management

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Project Management

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Customer Relations

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Key Competencies for Growth

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Strategic Planning and Analysis
0 %
Project Management
0 %
Negotiation Skills
0 %
Conflict Resolution
0 %


Exceptional Benefits
for Your Business


Support Systems

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Cost-Control Mechanisms

Quick Navigation

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Personalized Dashboard

Resource Allocation

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Energy-Efficient Resource

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Client Partnerships

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Data-Driven Insights

Security Measures

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Scalable Growth Solutions

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Affordable Solutions
for Growth

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get delivered deficient sincerity gentleman age.

Basic Plan

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$ 59 99

Premium Plan

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$ 359 99
Customizable Service Packages
Performance Analytics Dashboard
Integration with Existing Systems

Advanced Plan

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$ 159 99

Business Charts

Key Statistics and Insights

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Need Assistance? Start Here

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